A brincadeira é permutar entre o acendimento de um ou outro LED via chave táctil.
O fluxo do programa é este:
Aqui estão as imagens da simulação do circuito feita no Proteus:
Circuito desligado.
Circuito ligado.
Chave pressionada.
E aqui está o código Assembly:
; Processor: PIC16F628 at 4 MHz using internal RC oscillator ;
; Function : When the circuit is energized two LEDs will turn on, the power ;
; indicator and LED_D1. Every time the button is pressed the LED_D1 ;
; will turn off and the LED_D2 will turn on, the opposite occurs ;
; when the button is released, turning off the LED_D2 and turning ;
; on the LED_D1 again. ;
; Hardware : Protoboard ;
; Filename : main.asm ;
; Author : Jean J. Míchel <jeanjmichel-at-gmail.com> ;
; Website : http://www.jeanjmichel.blogspot.com ;
; Credit : ;
; Wiring diagram +-/\/\/--|>|--o GND ;
; +---v---+ | R2 LED_PWR ;
; -<|º 1 |>--+ ;
; -<| 6 |>----/\/\/--|>|--o GND ;
; -<| F |>--+ R3 D1 ;
; -<| 6 |>- | ;
; -<| 2 |>- +-/\/\/--|>|--o GND ;
; -<| 8 |>- R4 D2 ;
; -<| A |>- ;
; -<| |>--+----o¯o----o VDD 5v ;
; +-------+ | R1 ;
; +---/\/\/---o GND ;
#include <p16f628a.inc>
list p=16f628a
ERRORLEVEL 0, -302;, -224, -302, -305, -207
#define select_bank0 bcf STATUS,RP0
#define select_bank1 bsf STATUS,RP0
#define LED_PWR PORTA,1
#define LED_D1 PORTA,0
#define LED_D2 PORTA,7
#define BUTTON PORTB,4
org 0x00
goto setup ;Perform the initial settings ;
main btfsc BUTTON ;Monitors the action of the button;
goto turn_on_d2 ;Turns on LED_D2 ;
goto turn_on_d1 ;Turns on LED_D1 ;
turn_on_d1 bcf LED_D2 ;Turns off LED_D2 ;
bsf LED_D1 ;Turns on LED_D1 ;
goto main
turn_on_d2 bcf LED_D1 ;Turns off LED_D1 ;
bsf LED_D2 ;Turns on LED_D2 ;
goto main
setup select_bank1
movlw B'00000000' ;Defines all pins of the PORTA ;
movwf TRISA ;registrator as output ;
movlw B'00010000' ;Defines all pins of the PORTB ;
movwf TRISB ;registrator as output except the ;
;the pin 4 - push button ;
bsf PCON, OSCF ;Sets 16F628 to operate at 4MHz ;
movlw 0x07
movwf CMCON ;Turns off the comparator ;
clrf PORTA ;Clears all pins of the PORTA ;
;registrator ;
clrf PORTB ;Clears all pins of the PORTB ;
;registrator ;
bsf LED_PWR ;Turns on LED_PWR - power LED ;
goto main ;Loop forever ;) ;
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